Thursday, June 24, 2004

MATLAB code for MRI pulse sequence design

There are some good resources for drawing MRI pulse sequence diagrams in MATLAB available online. One example is pulse.m by T.S. Mahesh, a PhD student in Bangalore. Dr. Mahesh's webpage has moved here, where I presume development of the pulse.m library will continue.

Another excellent resource is the MR Pulse Sequence Diagram Toolbox, originally written by Craig Jones of the University of British Columbia, but no longer available from the original site. I have currently mirrored the MRPSD toolbox here, (, 19.1 KB). Since MRPSD was released under the GNU Public License, it can be freely modified, and I intend to update the code with any changes I make at this location. A link to the most recent code is on the blog sidebar, and if any readers have patches to submit, please contact me.


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